What You Can Expect When Returning to the Dentist After Some Years

Your family dentist should never become a stranger. But this is a fact of life for many people. Yes, you should be having a regular dental checkup every six months or so, but it might have been several years since your last visit. It could have been due to finances, a busy lifestyle, or that (as far as you can tell) your teeth have remained healthy. Whatever the reason for the absence, what can you expect when you visit your dentist after several years away? [Read More]

Exploring Tooth Replacement Options? 4 Benefits Of Implant Dentistry

After weeks or months of researching the best tooth replacement options, you've probably noticed that one option stands out: tooth implants. Living with missing teeth can cause harm to your appearance and self-esteem, and it can even result in further tooth loss. It is important to avoid delayed treatment and get dental implants right away. But before you head to the dental office, you might want to know the benefits you stand to enjoy from implant dentistry. [Read More]

3 Advantages Of Taking Your Kids To A Pediatric Dentist For Regular Checkups

Pediatric dental professionals offer dental or oral care for children from infancy to the teenage stage. They closely monitor the development of kids' teeth and mouth to help them achieve good oral health. Therefore, as a parent, you need to look for an experienced pediatric dentist for your kids. It's imperative to start taking your children to a skilled pediatric dental professional as soon as they develop their first baby teeth. [Read More]

5 Facts You Should Know About Dental Implant Dentistry

A dental implant is a fixture made of titanium that's surgically positioned to interface with your jaw bone to support your prosthetic teeth. Individuals who have lost a tooth or teeth can take advantage of dental implant dentistry to have a full set of teeth.  Dental implants are an excellent alternative to traditional dentures because of their high success rate. They are also better at preserving dental structures than traditional dentures. [Read More]