Common Fears That Shouldn't Keep You Away From Getting Dental Implants

Some people need dental implants, and want to get the implants, but are held back by some fears. Below are some of these fears and why they shouldn't delay your implant treatment.

Eating Difficulties

Some people fear that they won't be able to eat normally once they get dental implants. The reality is that your diet will only be limited during the healing period. You need to avoid extremely hard foods or sticky foods during this initial period since they might destabilize the implants and prolong the healing process. Once your dental implant heals, you will be able to eat just as you used to do before the implants.

Implant Strength

There are also those who fear that artificial materials fitted into the jawbone (implants) cannot be as strong as the "real thing" (natural teeth). It is good to know that dental implants are mostly metal, and metal is stronger than natural teeth. If the strength you are concerned with is that of the connection between the implant and your body, you should know that the implant is anchored in your jawbone. Thus, your implant can be as strong as or even stronger than your natural teeth were.

Implant Durability

Potential implant recipients may also worry about the durability of their treatments. Although you may not get a lifetime guarantee on your dental implant, expect it to last your lifetime if you take good care of it. Note that even your natural teeth might fail to last your lifetime if you don't take good care of them. A tooth can crack, get knocked out, or even get eroded due to accidents or diseases. Therefore, good oral care is necessary whether you have natural or artificial teeth.

Risk of Implant Failure

Getting a dental implant is a process, and you might fear to go through the whole process and then end up with a failed implant. Fortunately, dental implants have an impressive success rate of over 98%. The risk of failure is there, but it is so small that it shouldn't deter you from replacing your teeth.

Potential Complications

If it's complications that you are worried about, you should know that all surgical procedures contain some element of risk. Potential risks include infections, failure, injury to adjacent tissues, and sinus problems, among others. However, the risks are rare and usually easily manageable if they do occur. Your dentist will explain to you all these risks to help you make an informed decision on whether to get the implant. For many people, the benefits outweigh the potential risks of getting an implant.

Contact an implant dentistry provider near you today in order to learn more.
