3 Things You Need To Know About Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsies

Oral cancer is a very common type of cancer. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, about 45,750 Americans will be diagnosed with some type of oral or pharyngeal cancer this year. Oral cancer kills one American every hour. Fortunately, your dentist can help you identify oral cancer in its early stages. Dentists have many diagnostic tools at their disposal, such as fine-needle aspiration biopsies. Here are three things you need to know about these tests. [Read More]

3 Tips To Increase The Success Rate Of Your Dental Implant Surgery

If you are missing a set of teeth, or even one tooth, then getting dental implants is the easiest solution to a perfect smile.  While dental implant surgery is not considered a high-risk procedure, post procedural infections and trauma can hinder the success rate of your dental implants.  As a result, there are a few tips you should take into account to make sure that your implants remain as healthy as possible after surgery. [Read More]

Help Your Child Get Their Loose Tooth To Come Out

Your child will start to lose their baby teeth when they are around 5 or 6 years old. The bottom front teeth are usually the first to go, followed by the top middle teeth. Most children are fine with the thought of losing their teeth, and some even get excited. They know it means they are growing up and they look forward to a reward from the tooth fairy. However, a stubborn loose tooth can become bothersome. [Read More]

Easy, All-Natural Tooth Whitening At Home

Coffee, tea, red wine, and even age can leave your teeth stained and dull, but there is no reason they need to stay that way. Fortunately, you have several different natural options to whiten and brighten your teeth right in your own home. Baking soda – Using a paste of baking soda and water in place of tooth paste can really help to brighten your smile. The grittiness of baking soda helps scrub surface stains from your teeth, but be careful. [Read More]