Halloween Treats Don't Have To Be Damaging To Your Child's Teeth

The Halloween treats that kids collect during their trick-or-treating excursions don't necessarily have to pose a serious threat to the health of their teeth. Your child can still have fun and enjoy some tasty treats as long as you make wise choices about the treats he or she can eat, teach moderation, don't allow constant munching, and encourage regular brushing and flossing. Treats That Don't Contribute to Tooth Decay Although your child's dentist may caution against eating too many sugary treats this Halloween, some treats don't pose as high a risk as others for getting cavities. [Read More]

2 Tips For Protecting Your Same-day Dental Crowns From Developing A Bacterial Infection

If you have a tooth that has experienced extreme dental decay, then you may eventually need to get a dental crown installed. A dental crown is used as a barrier to help protect the tooth from further decay. Same-day dental crowns are frequently used because they allow you to get the process done all at once instead of making multiple trips. Same-day dental crowns can last as long as regular dental crowns if they are properly maintained. [Read More]

Thumb-Sucking And Pacifiers: Are They Really A Risk To Teeth?

When you are the parents of an infant, you are frequently overwhelmed by too much advice. People tell you how long your child should sleep, what they should eat, and even what they should wear. When it comes to pacifiers and thumb-sucking, everyone has an opinion. As a parent, you need to know if these activities actually harm your child's teeth. Benefits Sucking on objects is perfectly natural for babies and toddlers and helps your child self-sooth. [Read More]

The Dangers Of Grinding Your Teeth

It can be difficult to determine if you are one of the many people who suffer from Bruxism since the majority of teeth grinding occurs during sleep.  Occasional Bruxism may not require any treatment, but for those who grind their teeth on a regular basis or for the ten percent of people that grind their teeth to nothing it can be an ugly unconscious habit.  Read further to learn about the dangers of grinding your teeth. [Read More]