Problems From A Child's Dental Misalignment

If your child's teeth appear to be growing in a crooked pattern, you may feel that their dental misalignment is harmless. After all, the teeth may still be healthy-looking, and the child may not be complaining about any discomfort. Still, although crooked teeth may seem harmless, they sometimes aren't.  Here are a few problems that may develop due to a child's dental misalignment. Speech Problems Children with misaligned teeth may have trouble pronouncing words correctly. [Read More]

3 Tips For Recovering From Oral Surgery

Whether you need to have a tooth extraction or you are faced with a dental implant placement, you might be nervous about the prospect of undergoing oral surgery. However, if you work with an experienced dentist and work hard at home to recover, that procedure may help you to restore your chewing ability while improving the look of your smile. Here are three tips for recovering from oral surgery.   1. Plan to Rest Oftentimes, people assume that a simple oral surgery won't be much to recover from, since most incisions are small. [Read More]

Beneficial Ways To Prepare For Dental Implant Surgery

Getting dental implants will improve your smile and perhaps your bite and ability to chew. While your dentist will prepare you for your procedure, there are things you can do at home to further enhance your surgical experience. Here are some beneficial things you can do to get ready for your dental implants procedure so that you can enjoy a complication-free procedure and recovery period: Evaluate Dietary Supplements And Anticoagulant Use [Read More]

Preventing Dental Implant Failure

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, approximately 120 million American are missing at least one tooth. If you're on such American, after speaking with your dentist, you may have decided that a dental implant is the best option to help you create a beautiful smile. Dental implants have several advantages, including their natural appearance, durability, and easy, low-maintenance care. However, even after the implant was expertly placed, there are instances when the implant can fail. [Read More]