Your child will start to lose their baby teeth when they are around 5 or 6 years old. The bottom front teeth are usually the first to go, followed by the top middle teeth. Most children are fine with the thought of losing their teeth, and some even get excited. They know it means they are growing up and they look forward to a reward from the tooth fairy. However, a stubborn loose tooth can become bothersome. If your child has a loose tooth that doesn't want to come out without some help, try some of the tips below to help it come out:
Encourage them to wiggle it properly
The most effective way to help a tooth get looser is to wiggle it throughout the day. While you want to encourage your child to wiggle their tooth, make sure they know to use clean hands to touch it. They should wiggle the tooth in a forward and backward motion. Twisting it from side to side can affect the way the adult tooth grows in.
Have them eat apples
Give your child a couple of whole apples a day when they have a loose tooth. The thick skin of the apple will naturally apply pressure to the tooth and help it come out sooner. Some other foods they can eat to help include other fruits with thick skins, such as pizza, jerky, chicken and celery. Chewing sugarless bubble gum can also help.
Have them brush their teeth more
The motion of going back and forth over the tooth with a toothbrush will also loosen the tooth more. Plus, this is the perfect opportunity to get your child used to spending more time brushing their teeth.
Pulling the tooth out
Once the tooth gets loose enough, your child should be able to pull it out on their own. If they aren't able to pull it themselves, it may need more time. It can help to give them a piece of gauze to hold while they gently pull on the tooth until it comes out.
When to see the dentist
If your child's tooth seems to be taking a long time to come out or it is causing them pain, then you should get them in to see the dentist, such as Benjamin D Hull DDS. The dentist may suggest giving it more time to come out on its own or they may decide to take it out in the dental office.