4 Reasons A Bump Might Form On Your Gums And What Your Family Dentist May Do It

If you're brushing your teeth and notice a bump on your gums, or even see that it is oozing blood or fluid, visit your family dentist. You could also have pain associated with the bump, but if you don't, you shouldn't ignore the situation since a bump could indicate an oral infection. Here are four things that can cause a bump on your gums and how your family dentist can help.

1. An Abscessed Tooth

A tooth abscess is an infected tooth root. As pus and infection take over the root, swelling occurs in your gum. The infection is drawn to the surface of your gums where a bump forms that gets bigger until it begins to drain blood, fluid, and pus.

An abscess is a fairly serious dental problem that should be reported to your family dentist because the infection might spread to your heart, brain, or other areas of your body. Your dentist might prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection and then do a root canal to clean out the damaged tooth root.

2. A Bump Due To Denture Irritation

If you wear dentures and they don't fit properly, the irritation can cause a bump to form. These bumps aren't dangerous, and as long as it doesn't bother you, you may not need to have it treated. However, if the bump causes discomfort or annoys you, your family dentist might refer you to an oral surgeon so you can have the bump removed. Your dentist can also repair your dentures or provide you with new ones so the irritation to your gums stops.

3. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can cause a number of symptoms, including a bump on your gums. An important reason to have regular dental examinations with your family dentist is so oral cancer can be caught early if you have it. If your dentist finds a bump on your gums, your dentist might do a biopsy or send you to a doctor to have a biopsy done.

If the biopsy finds oral cancer, you could need treatment that might include surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.

4. Dental Cysts

Cysts are fairly common, and they form in many places in your body, including your gums. They often form at the base of bad teeth, and they might not even cause any problems. However, cysts can grow large sometimes, and if the cyst starts pressing on a tooth or nerve, it might become painful. If a cyst bothers you, your dentist may remove it while treating the infected tooth. If necessary, your family dentist might need to refer you to an oral surgeon for the cyst removal.
