Full mouth reconstruction is a comprehensive dental procedure. Significantly damaged teeth are restored, entirely missing teeth are replaced, and gums are modified to accommodate these restorations. It's a significant commitment in the amount of dental work you must undergo, along with the financial cost of the work in question. How can you be assured that the results will be worth the commitment?
Digital Design
Different dental clinics utilize different treatment methods, and when you're exploring the possibility of full mouth reconstruction, you should be looking for a clinic that uses a digital design program.
Computer Assistance
Digital design programs provide a visual preview of a comprehensive dental procedure. It starts with a digital scan of the target area, which is your jaw—and indeed your entire face.
Scanning Methods
The scan may be collated with different tools. A handheld intraoral scanner can be used to take a detailed impression of your jaw and teeth. Cone beam volumetric tomography can be used to take a 3D digital scan of your facial structures. This is a type of X-ray featuring a scanner that rotates on a small track around the circumference of your head. Digital photography can also be used to record your face.
Digital Model
Once a comprehensively detailed digital model of your jaw, teeth, and face has been created, the nature of your required procedures can be presented to you. A computer-generated preview of the outcome can be prepared. You'll get an accurate look at the results of the efforts. Your dentist can then go through the required steps one by one.
Existing Teeth
The required steps will vary from patient to patient, although there are some generalities when it comes to full mouth reconstruction. Existing teeth will be retained as much as possible. Should these teeth be affected by decay that has infected the tooth's pulp (which is its nerve or internal living tissues), root canal treatment will be required to extract necrotic tissue. The tooth is then fitted with a dental crown to restore its physical dimensions.
Missing Teeth
Missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants. An implant is a small titanium post surgically inserted into the jaw. The bone heals around the implant to solidify its position. The integrated implant can now be fitted with a single dental crown (a prosthetic tooth, made of ceramic materials). Implants can also be used to secure dental bridges (two or more connected prosthetic teeth). You may also require gum contouring (surgical reshaping of the gum line to achieve a healthy, natural appearance).
Full mouth reconstruction gives you back a functional set of teeth, but facial aesthetics are an integral part of the process. Digital design programs allow you to preview the results, proving that the effort is going to be worthwhile.
Contact a local dental clinic, such as Comprehensive Dental Care, to learn more.